New Delhi , 23 April , 2024- All IndiaRailwayMen’sFederation(AIRF)isorganizingitsgloriouscentenaryconventionfrom23Aprilto 26April 2024 in which various programs will be organized from23 April 2024 to26April 2024. Today, on April 23, 2024, the first day of the AIRF Centenary Conference, a National Women’s Conference was organized at Tal Katora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi from 9.00am in which more than six hundred women from all over the Indian Railways participated. This program was presided over by National Women Chairperson Mrs.Jaya Aggarwal and National Women Convener Mrs.Praveena Singh. In this conference, the women chairpersons from all the zonal railways felt proud to attend the centenary year of AIRF and said that this is the most memorable day for them that they are participating in this conference.
Addressingtheprogram,WomenChairpersonSmt.JayaAggrawalandNationalWomenConvenorSmtPraveena Singh welcome dall the women who came to this Centenary Women’s Conference and made everyone aware about the problems and challenges faced by women and said that this AIRF Women are safe as long as they are there because AIRF is determined to solve their problems and get their demands met.
Afterthelunchbreak,theNationalYouthConferenceoftheCentenaryConferenceofAIRRFwasorganizedatTal Katora Stadium from 2.30 pm in which youth regional and divisional youth coordinators from all over the Indian Railways participated. There was a lot of enthusiasm among the youth and women on this occasion. More thantwelvehundredyouthparticipatedintheyouthconferenceorganizedontheoccasionofthiscentenaryconvention and raised their voice against the new pension scheme and demanded old pension. IntheYouthconvention,theyouthexpressedtheirunforgettablememoryofparticipatinginthecentenaryconvention of AIRF and described every youth as safe under the flag of AIRF and said that AIRF is the only organization on the basis of which the demands of every railway employee can be fulfilled and their Problems can be solved. The National Youth and Women Conference organized on the occasion of centenary convention was attended and addressed by apex leaders of AIRF including General Secretary AIRF Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, President AIRF Dr N Kannaiya,WorkingPresidentShriJ-RBhosale,TreasurerShriC-HShankarRaoandGeneralSecretariesofother affiliated unions .
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